Organogram of Crop Science Division

Generating science-based knowledge to develop innovative technologies and varieties/products for ensuring sustainable food, nutritional and livelihood security
To Make India hunger and malnutrition free
- Harnessing conventional and modern scientific knowledge, tools, and cutting-edge of science for development of improved crop varieties/hybrids suited to diverse agro-ecologies and situations, and efficient, economic, eco-friendly and sustainable crop production and protection technologies; promoting excellence in basic, strategic and anticipatory crop science research
- Refinement of seed-production technologies and production of breeder seed with added emphasis on hybrid cultivars
- Conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources of plants, insects and other invertebrates, and agriculturally important microorganisms
- Providing knowledge-intensive advisory and consultancy in crop-science
Priority Areas
- Basic and Strategic research and Education
- To conduct basic and strategic research in crop improvement for sustained agricultural productivity in harmony with environment.
- To develop climate resilient varieties/hybrids and technologies for enhanced production, resource use efficiency, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, post-harvest management and environmental sustainability.
- To serve as centres for academic excellence, human resource development, fostering quality research for holistic agriculture development and orient the educational programme towards future needs and opportunities.
- To promote rural entrepreneurship and commercialization of agriculture for making it more profitable and sustainable in order to promote agribusiness of the country.
- To provide national leadership in agricultural research, extension and technology assessment and transfer by developing new concepts and approaches and serving as national referral point for quality and standards in agriculture technologies.
- To develop information systems, add value to information, share the information nationally and internationally, and serve as national library and data base.
- Plant Genetic Resource Management, Seed and Hill Agriculture
- Exploration and collection of priority crops, microbes and insect species and trait-specific germplasm
- Germplasm characterization, conservation, evaluation exchange and quarantine
- Generation of genomic resources for genetic resource management
- Exploration of new plant resources for food, fodder, fibre and industrial use and their management
- Human resource development for genetic resources management
- Assessment of impact of on-farm conservation practices on genetic diversity
- and important hill crops
- Basic, strategic and anticipatory research in seed science and technology.
- To coordinate seed production and seed technology research
- To develop capacity building in the field of seed production, testing, quality assurance, certification and policy issues.
- Genetic Improvement for Food and Fodder Crops
- Basic, strategic and adaptive research for improving productivity and quality of rice, wheat, barley maize, millets and forage crops.
- Development and identification of varieties/hybrids of rice, wheat, barley maize, millets and forage.
- Development of post-harvest technologies for value addition.
- Production of Breeder seed of improved varieties to strengthen the seed chain.
- Developing and testing new technologies.
- Dissemination of improved technologies and capacity building
- Pulse and Oilseed Crop Improvement
- Basic and strategic research on pulses and pulses to improve productivity and quality.
- Planning, coordination and monitoring of applied research on national and regional issues through All India Coordinated Research Projectto develop location specific varieties and technologies
- Provide equitable access to information, knowledge and genetic material to develop improved technology and enhanced pulses production.
- Information management on pulses and oilseeds to develop policy framework for research and development strategy.
- Dissemination of technology and capacity building.
- Improvement of Commercial Crops for Genetic Gains
- Collection, maintenance, evaluation, documentation and conservation of genetic resources of commercial crops i.e. sugarcane, cotton, jute and allied fibre crops and tobacco.
- Basic, Strategic and adaptive research on production and protection in sugarcane; cotton fibre quality and by-products, jute and allied fibre crops and tobacco for domestic and export uses.
- Coordination and monitoring of applied research on national and regional issues to develop improved varieties and technologies in sugarcane, cotton, Jute and allied fibre crops and tobacco.
- Dissemination of technologies and capacity building
- Insects and Microbes Resources, Plant Protection and Pollinators Research
- Information and Communications Technology (ICT) based surveillance, monitoring and management of crop pests including insects, mites, weeds, higher animals and diseases caused by plant pathogens.
- Research, development and promotion of pest smart bio-intensive IPM technologies for crops and forging linkages with commodity based crop research Institutes, AICRP/ AINP.
- Promoting Basic, strategic and adaptive research on biotic stress in agriculture with creation of quality human resources for academic excellence, linkages with various stakeholders for technology management and policy support research.
- Bio-ecology and management of major vertebrate pests (rodents, birds and higher vertebrates).
- Use of non-invasive and eco-friendly crop protection approaches through behavioural modification and smart delivery systems.
- Nucleus stock production through mass queen rearing and breeding honey bees for better hygiene, defense, pollination and production efficiency.
- Establishment digital database on pollinator diversity, biogeography, nesting requirements, etc.
- Development of “pollinator-friendly” best management practices; internalization of pollinators and honey bee for crop management, enhanced yields, entrepreneurship development and employment generation for rural upliftment.
- Research and promotion of bombiculture and melliponiculture for crop production under protected cultivation.
Milestones Achieved
Varietal Improvement since 1969
Crops |
No. of Varieties Notified 1969-2021 |
No. of Varieties Released 2014-2021 |
Climate Resilient Varieties 2014-21 |
Biofortified Varieties |
MAS Derived Varieties |
Cereals |
2858 |
924 |
807 |
63 |
60 |
Oilseeds |
956 |
291 |
252 |
14 |
8 |
Pulses |
1074 |
304 |
270 |
2 |
6 |
Forage Crops |
221 |
118 |
91 |
- |
- |
Fibre Crops |
500 |
239 |
154 |
- |
- |
Sugar Crops |
142 |
64 |
42 |
- |
- |
Others |
49 |
16 |
6 |
8 |
- |
Grand Total |
5800 |
1956 |
1622 |
87 |
74 |
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