19th October 2024, Goa
ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, North Goa, and Raika & Co., Goa, jointly organised a training session on beekeeping in Old Goa today to benefit the North Goa farming community.
Dr N. Bommayasamy, Senior Scientist & Head, ICAR-KVK, urged the farming community to adopt scientific beekeeping to preserve plant biodiversity in natural habitats through improved flower pollination and increased sustainable agricultural production. He emphasized the importance of pollinators in cross-pollinated crops such as coconut and cucurbitaceous vegetable crops, which increase seed set and fruit set and provide higher quality produce, and efficient pollination of flowers may serve to protect crops from pests.
Bee identification, hive cleaning, artificial feed management, and other activities were demonstrated during the programme.
A total of 40 farmers participated in and benefited from this programme.
(Source: ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa)
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