Textbook on Cheese Technology
Textbook on Cheese Technology

Textbook on Cheese Technology

“Textbook on Cheese Technology” This textbook is an excellent compilation of the basics of cheese technology, incorporating the advances that are taking place in the modern cheese industry in order to tackle issues such as cheese manufacturing, quality, mechanization, safety, cost, environment etc.
This textbook is written with a view to cater to the evolving needs of the rapidly growing cheese industry and highly suited for the Dairy and Food Science Colleges of the globe.

Technical Aspects

Pages: v + 369; Price: ₹ 600.00, US$ 90.00; Postage: ₹50
ISBN No.: 978-81-7164-273-1
For obtaining copies, please contact:

Business Unit

ICAR- Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture
Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan – I, Pusa, New Delhi 110012
Tel: 011-25843657; email: bmicar@icar.org.in, businessuniticar@gmail.com
website: www.icar.gov.in

Price: ₹600.00
Postage (in Rs.): ₹50.00
Total Price: ₹650.00
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