8th September 2016, Umeit, Meghalaya
A field day on HYV of Maize (var. RCM-1-3) was organised by KVK Ri-Bhoi at Umeit village today. The grain yield of of Maize (var. RCM-1-3) is expected to be higher as compared to local variety of maize.
The main objective of the programme was to showcase the success of performance of Maize var. RCM-1-3 in farmer’s field.
Farmers were briefed about the advantages of mulching, cropping system, growing of legumes, identification of weeds like Eupatorium, Ambrosia etc available in fields and can act as mulch in field to conserve soil & moisture, control weeds, supply nutrients and act as insect repellent.
The programme was attended by 25 farmers from the village and nearby village.
(Source: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ri-Bhoi)
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