ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata organizes Training on the Landscape Diagnostic Survey
ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata organizes Training on the Landscape Diagnostic Survey

19th June 2024, Nadia

A 2-day training on Landscape Diagnostic Survey, organized by ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Kolkata in collaboration with Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia- International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center at ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Nadia, concluded today.

ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata organizes Training on the Landscape Diagnostic Survey  ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata organizes Training on the Landscape Diagnostic Survey

The Chief Guest for the valedictory Session, Dr. G. Saha, Vice-Chancellor, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal, emphasized the importance of integrating the climate change aspect in the Landscape Diagnostic Survey.

Dr. Pradip Dey, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata, accentuated that LDS gathers data on crop cultivation to help researchers predict yields, target technologies, and supplement on-farm research by identifying key factors affecting farmer yields across various environments and practices. Dr. Dey further added that ODK simplifies data collection and reduces costs, errors, and delays compared to paper-based systems, offering real-time tracking, easy updates, and enhanced data quality.

Dr. K. Brahmachari, Director, Extension Education, BCKV was also present during the programme.

A total of 10 Heads and SMSs from ICAR-KVKs of Odisha and West Bengal participated in the programme.

(Source: ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Kolkata)
