Fruits |
Mango |
CISH Ambika
- Fruits weight: 300-350g,
- TSS: 21°B
- Yields: 80-90 kg/plant
- Mangiferin content: 35.1 µ/g
CISH Arunika
- Fruit weight: 190-210g
- TSS 24.6 °B
- Yields: 60-70 kg/plant
- Mangiferin content: 49.5 µ/g
Arka Suprabhath
- Late variety, ready for harvest by July
- High yielding (35-40kg/plant)
- Fruit weight 200-250g, shelf life of 8-10 days
- Deep orange firm pulp, recovery >70%, TSS >22°B, acidity 0.12%
- Carotenoids (6 mg/100g FW) and flavonoids (3.44 mg/100g FW)
Pusa Deepshikha
- Regular in bearing, attractive fruit shape, bright red peel and orange-yellow pulp
- Moderate TSS (18.67 °B), acidity (0.33%), high pulp content (70%) and ascorbic acid content (35.34 mg/100 g pulp)
- Recommended for export
Arka Udhay
- High yielding with long shelf life
- Late variety comes for harvest by July
Pusa Arunima
- Regular bearer, medium fruit size (250 g), attractive red peel colour, fiber-less pulp with mild flavour
- Moderate TSS (19.5 °B), rich in ascorbic acid (43.6 mg/100 g pulp)
- Very long shelf-life (10-12 days) at room temperature after ripening
Guava |
CISH Shweta
- Fruit weight: 250 g
- Ascorbic acid: 300 mg/100g
- TSS: 12.5-13.2 °B
- Yield: 85-90 kg/plant
CISH Lalit
- Fruit weight: 185-200 g
- Ascorbic acid: 250 mg/100g
- Yield: 100 kg/plant
- Pink coloured pulp suitable for both table and processing purposes
Arka Kiran
- A pink pulp variety with average fruit weight 200-220 g and medium soft seeds (9 kg/cm2).
- TSS 11-120 brix and lycopene content 7.14 mg/100g.
- Crop will come to harvest after two years of planting.
- Economic yield starts after five years with average fruit yield of 20 t/acre in a spacing of 4m x 3m
Grapes |
Manjari Manjula
- A purple black coloured seeded variety
- Bold berries (24-26 mm diameter)
- Loose bunches for table purpose
Manjari Madhura
- A heavy yielding black coloured variety
- suitable for both table and munakka purposes
Manjari Medika
- Coloured variety suitable for juice making
- Juice recovery 71%
- TSS: 19 - 22 °Brix and acidity: 0.5-0.6 %
- Anthocyanin content: 4-6 mg/kg
Pusa Navrang
- It is coloured, teintuirier variety. Bunch loose & medium (285 g), medium berry (1.5 g) and round. and sweet (TSS 19.0°B).
- Early maturing, tolerant to powdery mildew and anthracnose diseases
- Suitable for coloured juice and wine making.
Pura Urvashi
- Early ripening (1st week of June) in basal bud bearing
- Good for raisin making and table use having high TSS content (20.0-22.0 °B)
- Bunch is medium (300 g), loose, medium berry (2.0 g), oval, greenish-yellow & seedless, yield/vine: 2.96 kg
- Fairly resistant to diseases
Custard Apple |
Arka Sahan
- Creamy white colour flesh with scarce seeds (9/100g)
- Yield: 12 t/ha
- TSS: 30 °B
- Ca: 225 mg/100g
- P: 42.29 mg/100h
- Average fruit weight: 410 g
Bael |
Thar Prakriti
- Yield: 115.75 kg/plant (12th year)
- Fruit weight 1.40 kg
- Pulp TSS 38.00°B
- Ascorbic acid: 22.30 mg/100 g pulp
- Rich in antioxidants with good flavor and aroma
Avocado |
Arka Coorg Ravi
- Fruit weight ranged from 450-600 g
- Pulp recovery is > 80%
Arka Supreme
- ‘A’ type variety
- Tree yields about 175-200 kg/plant,
- Fruits are oblong
- Average fruit weight of 367-428 G,
- 20% fat, and 0.45% fibre with 7.80B TSS.
Citrus |
Cutter Valencia (Sweet Orange)
- Processing variety
- Juice content: 45-50%
- Fruit weight: 200-230 g
- Potential Yield: 21-30 t/ha.
- Maturity: December (can hold on tree up to February)
Flame Grapefruit
- Table Purpose
- Seedless: 1.6-1.9 per fruit
- Juice content: 50-52%
- Fruit weight: 350-400 g
- Potential yield: 25 t/ha
- Maturity: October-November
Vegetables |
Tomato |
Arka Rakshak
- First F1 hybrid with triple disease resistance to ToLCV, Bacterial Wilt and early blight.
- Fruits square round, large (90-100g), deep red colored and firm.
- Suitable for fresh market and processing.
- Yield: 75-80 t/ha in 140 days.
Arka Samrat:
- High Yielding F1 Hybrids with Triple Disease Resistance to Tomato Leaf Curl Virus + Bacterial Wilt + Early Blight
- Bred for fresh market and processing
- Suitable for summer, kharif and rabi seasons
- Yields 40-50 tons per acre in 140-150 days
Brinjal |
Kashi Vijay
- Tolerant to Phomopsis blight and Fusarium wilt in field conditions.
- Recommended for U.P., Bihar, Jharkhand & Punjab
Chilli |
Arka Tejasvi
- Leaf curl virus resistant F1 hybrid
- Plants medium tall & spreading,
- Medium to highly pungent; green and turn deep red on maturity.
- Yield: 7.5-8.0 t dry chilli/ ha
French bean |
Arka Arjun
- Yield 18.0 t/ha in 70 days
Ridge gourd |
Arka Prasanna
- Yield -26.0 t/ha in 120-135 days
Okra |
Kashi Prakram
- Medium tall variety (120-135 cm)
- Suitable for both summer and rainy season
- Fruits are 12-14 cm long, shiny green colour
- Yield: 145-155 q/ha, first fruits harvest in 45-47 DAS & fruiting period is 48-115 days.
- Resistant to both YVMV and OELCV diseases
Potato |
Kufri FryoM
- Early maturing, high yielding processing variety
- Resistance to late blight.
- White creamy oblong tubers with shallow eyes and white flesh.
- Have very good keeping quality and moderate tuber dry matter (20%) and low reducing sugar (<150 mg/100).
- Yield: 30-35 t/ha
Kufri Chipsona-4
- Medium maturity: 90-110 days
- Suitable for chips purpose with high dry matter
- Yield: 30-35 t/ha
- Resistant to late blight
Onion |
Bhima Super
- A red onion variety for kharif and late kharif seasons
- average yield of 20 - 22 t/ha in kharif and 40 - 45 t/ha in late kharif.
- Bulbs 100-105 days after transplanting (DAT) in kharif and 110 -120 DAT in late kharif.
Bhima Shakti
- Red onion variety for late kharif and rabi season
- Bulbs mature in 130 days after transplanting
- Marketable yield during late kharif is 45.9 t/ha and during Rabi 42.7 t/ha
- Better storage life of 5-6 months
Tuber crops |
Cassava |
Sree Kaveri
- Resistant to cassava mosaic disease
- Potential yield: 80 t/ha
- 28% Starch and good for industrial purpose
- High drought tolerance index (value 1.54)
Flowers |
Gladiolus |
DFR Amrit:
- Early maturing variety
- long and robust spikes with 15-17 florets of about 10.58 cm in diameter.
- Spikes are straight and long with good rachis length (about 50-55 cm).
- Florets are pale yellow with reddish spots at the base of inner petals.
- Good multiplier producing about 1-2 corms and 20-25 cormels 1-2 corms and 20-25 cormels
DFR Soham:
- Early maturing variety
- Long and robust spikes with 15-17 florets of 9.61 cm in diameter.
- Spikes are straight and long with good rachis length (about 45-50 cm).
- Florets are pale yellow and are arranged in two rows
- Good multiplier producing about 2-3 corms
Crossandra |
Arka Chenna
- Medium sized, 20 per cent bigger than the local
- Petal colour is orange.
- Yield is 4 times higher than the local variety
Chrysanthemum |
Arka Manohar
- Suitable for pot culture and bedding
DFR Pallavi:
- Attractive pink coloured double type flowers which can be used for loose flower, beds and border purpose
- Average plant height is 83.41 cm with good spread (79.54 cm)
- The plant bears good number of flowers per plant (174.2)
- The average flower size is 6.88 cm and the field life of flower is 8.6 days
Planation crops |
Coconut |
Kalpa Vajra
- Coconut Yield -110 nuts/palm/year)
- Tolerant for for root (wilt) disease prevalent tracts of Kerala and Tamil Nadu
Kalpa Suvarna
- Tender coconut variety
- Yield: 97 nuts/palm/year with 431 ml tender nut water
- TSS- 5.8 °Brix
Arecanut |
- High yielding, semi tall, early flowering
- Suitable for both tendernut processing and chali (dry kernel) production purposes
- Av. yield: 3.26 kg dry tender processed nuts/palm/ year or 3.96 kg dry kernel/palm/year
- Recommended for cultivation in Karnataka, North Bengal and Gujarat
Cocoa |
- Red to Orange pods:
- No. of beans/ pod: 42
- Single dry bean wt: 1.13 g
- Shelling: 11%,
- Fat- 52.1%,
- Dry bean yield/ tree/ year: 2.52 kg/tree/year, 1700 kg/ha.
- Green to Yellow pods
- No. of beans/ pod: 42
- Single dry bean wt: 1.21 g
- Shelling: 15%,
- Fat: 53%
- Dry bean yield: 2.7 kg/ tree/ year, 1850 kg/ha
Cashew |
Nethra Jumbo-1
- A hybrid, big sized cashew nut
- The kernels are bold with 3.4 g average weight
- Fits in to kernel grade of W130
Oil Palm |
Godavari Swarna
- High FFB yield: 26.87 t/ha/year
- High sex ratio: 0.58
- More bunches per palm: 11.72
- High oil yield/ha: 5.71 t
- Adaptable to moderate rainfall regions (AP and Telangana) under assured irrigation conditions
Godavari Ratna
- FFB yield: 22.44 t/ha/year
- Av. bunch weight: 18.31 kg
- High sex ratio: 0.70
- High mesocarp oil yield: 5.36 t/ha/year
- High oil/bunch ratio: 24.1
- Suitable for high rainfall and assured irrigated conditions of coastal region (Maharashtra and Goa)
Spices |
Turmeric |
- Yield- 38.0 t/ha
- Curcumin- 5.02%
- Oleoresin-15.29%
- Essential oil -6.3%
Ginger |
- Average Yield: 22.6 t/ha
- Essential oil:1.75%
- Dry recovery:20.7%
- Fibre content:3.29-4.5%
Black Pepper |
IISR Chandra
- Maturity Group: Early
- Yield: 7.45 kg/vine
- Piperine: 5.10%
- Oleoresin: 8.71%
- Essential oil: 3.20%
Medicinal and Aromatic plants |
Holy basil: Ocimum tenuiflorum |
Vallabh Navya Tulsi-1
- Superior herbage yield of 772 q/ ha
- Rich source of Methyl eugenol (80%) content
Betel vine: Piper betel |
Arka Sampada
- High leaf yield (89.9 lakh leave/ha/per year),
- Moderate pungency,
- Suitable for an open system of cultivation
Opium poppy |
Chetak Aphim
- Higher latex yield (40.2 kg/ha)
- High Morphine content of 11.9 %
Mushroom |
- Pure white, rounded cap, high yielding
- High average fruit body weight: 15.86 g
- High yielding, Browning resistant, thin gill, High dry weight
- Average Fruit body wt:26.4,
- Early Days of Harvest:37.5,
- High BE: 65.0%
- Average Fruit body wt:18.2,
- Early days of harvest:15.9 days,
- High BE :15.8%
Arka Lion's Mane mushroom
- Edible and medicinal mushroom
- Helps in promotion of nerve and brain health
- Rich in zinc, potassium, calcium, and beta-glucan polysaccharides
Biofortified Varieties |
Pomegranate |
Solapur Lal
- Fruit Yield: 36.72 kg/plant
- TSS: 17.6 o B
- Titrable acidity: 0.40%
- Anthocyanin: 395 mg/100g
- Ascorbic acid: 19.6 mg/100g
Potato |
Kufri Jamunia
- Medium maturing (90 days), high-yielding speciality table potato clone (high anthocyanin content with purple flesh).
- Recommended for Northern, Central and Eastern plains
- Dark purple, oblong tubers with shallow eyes and purple flesh, very good storability under ambient storage conditions
Sweet Potato |
Bhu Sona
- Rich in provitamin-A (14.0 mg/100 g)
- Tuber yield: 19.8 t/ha
- Dry matter: 27.0-29.0%
- Starch content: 20.0%
- Total sugars: 2.0-2.4%
Bhu Krishna
- Rich in anthocyanin (90.0 mg/100g)
- Tuber yield: 18.0 t/ha
- Dry matter: 24.0-25.5%
- Starch: 19.5 %
- Total sugars: 1.9-2.2%
- Salinity stress tolerant
Greater Yam |
- Rich in anthocyanins (141.4 mg/100g), iron (136.2 ppm) and calcium (1890 ppm)
- Tuber yield: 80.0 t/ha
- Maturity: 240-270 days
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