April 11, 2010
J&K Governor, N. N. Vohra, has called upon the agri-scientists to pool their expertise and optimally utilize research outcomes and latest technologies to boost per acre yields of maize and significantly enhance production. The success of such an effort would transform the economic situation and provide financial stability to the farming community, he said.
The Governor, as chief guest, was addressing the Inaugural Session of the 3-day 53rd Annual Maize Workshop organized by the Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences at Technology of Kashmir (SKUAST-K) in collaboration with the Directorate of Maize Research, Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi, at the SKICC, here today.
The Governor, who is the Chancellor of the University, dwelling on the history of the post-1947 agricultural revolution, emphasized the need for raising the contribution of agriculture to the GDP by adopting the latest techniques and switching over to high yielding hybrid seeds. He said that this is imperative to suffice the food grain requirements of the increasing population of the country on one hand and at the same time attaining self-reliance on sustainable basis.
Referring to maize cultivation, the Governor observed that this major food crop has vast potential for quick growth and in the recent years the rate of growth of maize has been appreciable. He said that challenges on the agricultural front are numerous but these can be met successfully by better resource and environment management. For this purpose, he called for greater synergy between the ICAR, State Agricultural Universities and the extension agencies of the State Agricultural Departments to transfer the latest technologies to the farm.
The Governor stressed the need of effectively coordinated efforts of the processing industry for value addition of maize and other agri-products to optimally benefit the farmers and continuously improve their economic conditions.
The Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-K, Prof. Anwar Alam, speaking on the occasion said that a number of field trials on maize cultivation have been made by the University by adopting the latest technology. He said that there is a need for according special focus for maize cultivation in the State as it has immense potential for ensuring increased production levels.
The Assistant Director General, FFC, ICAR, Dr. R. P. Dua, said that maize is among the three main food crops along with paddy and wheat. He emphasized for ensuring that the latest research findings and technology reach to the farmers speedily for boosting productivity and production of maize.
Project Director of Directorate of Maize Research, Dr. Sain Dass, informed about the area-specific and across the country research being cocnducted for giving fillip to the maize production. He also called for adopting Public Private Partnership mode for production of quality maize seeds and populatrizing cost effective technologies for larger benefit of the farmers.
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