National Fellow: The National Fellow scheme is to promote excellence in agricultural research and education at national level, recognize meritorious contribution of individual agricultural scientists/teachers, and to facilitate their research and related activities in agriculture.
ICAR Emeritus Scientist and ICAR Emeritus Professor: This scheme aims at utilizing services of outstanding superannuated scientists/teachers from NARES for supporting ongoing nationally important research, teaching specialized courses, developing quality instructional material for use in national agricultural education programme including distance education.
ICAR National Professor: This scheme is to promote excellence by recognizing outstanding scientists with proven output and outcome for creating a culture of basic research through their projects. This also includes the prestigious B.P. Pal Chair and Norman Borlaug Chair in International Agriculture.
Summer School/ Winter School/ Short Courses: Since 1967, the ICAR has been sponsoring the organization of Summer School/Winter School/Short Courses in the disciplines of Agriculture, Veterinary, Animal Sciences, Home Science, Fisheries and Food Technology, etc. The purpose of organizing these courses is to bring about qualitative improvement and to update the teachers, researchers and extension specialists with latest knowledge and techniques in the field of their specialization; provide necessary orientation to contemporary problems, to provide a common forum for co-professionals to interact and exchange experiences; and also to maintain feedback to make research and education more relevant.
Centre for Advanced Faculty Training (CAFT): This programme supports the faculty and scientists in the cutting edge areas of agriculture and allied sciences to meet capacity building demands in terms of teaching, research, training and extension. There are at present 31 such centres established all over the country to build the teaching, research, training and extension competencies of professionals of NARES. It is intended to expand up to 40 centres during this year.
ICAR Fellowships for Post-Graduate Students: For recognition of talent and promotion of merit in general, and for encouraging talented students to undertake higher agricultural education in particular, the ICAR awards Junior and Senior Research Fellowships to post-graduate (PG) students in different disciplines of agriculture and allied sciences. Every year 475 and 202 students are awarded JRF and SRF for UG and PG studies, respectively.
Students READY programme: ‘Student READY’ (Rural Entrepreneurship Awareness Development Yojana), a new program introduced from 2016-17 for providing opportunities to acquire hands-on-experience and entrepreneurial skills among the agricultural graduates. The programme aims to provide rural entrepreneurship awareness, practical experience in real-life situation in rural agriculture and creating awareness in undergraduate students about practical agriculture and allied sciences. The programme will help in building confidence, skill and acquire Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) of the locality and thereby, preparing the pass-out for self-employment.
National Talent Scholarship: Merit based support through National Talent Scholarship to the Under-graduates and Post graduate students seeking admission in Agricultural Universities in a State other than the State of their domicile, through ICAR All India Entrance Examination (AIEE).
Merit-Cum-Means scholarship: This fellowship is aimed to attract meritorious under-graduate students belonging to below poverty line families to study Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering, Home Science, Dairy & Animal Husbandry subjects. Scholarships in these subjects are awarded annually on the basis of merit-cum-means.
Post Matric Scholarship: This is provided to scheduled caste and scheduled tribe’s students for Bachelor Degree programme in various branches of Agriculture. It was started to support the students from the weaker sections of the society.
Extramural Research: This was launched in 2015-16 to sponsor and support short term result oriented extramural projects addressing acute and felt needs to enhance the quality of agricultural education on identified thrust areas.
Unnat Bharat Abhiyan: The division is coordinating and organizing programmes related to Agriculture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan launched by Ministry of Human Resource Development, GOI, with an aim to connect institutions of Higher education with local communities to address the developmental changes and evolve appropriate solutions for accelerating sustainable growth.
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