Total number of Scientists as per cadre strength: 1014
Total number of Scientists in position: 696
Farms and animals
Research farms for cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig, camel, equine, yak, mithun and poultry exist in species specific institutes spread all over the country.
State of-the-art laboratories are established at the Institutes for carrying out basic and strategic research in cutting edge technologies in the areas of animal genetics and breeding, nutrition, physiology and reproduction, animal health and animal products technology.
Specialized facilities
Bio-safety and bio-containment laboratories, nuclear technique laboratories, semen evaluation and quality control, residue analysis, feed analysis, embryo transfer laboratories, molecular biology, rumen biotechnology, milk and milk product processing unit, meat and meat processing unit, wool processing unit, model dairy plant, vaccine production unit, germplasm and DNA banks, natural serum bank.
Human Resource Development
Two Deemed Universities offer graduate, post graduate and doctoral degree programmes in various disciplines of veterinary sciences, animal sciences and dairy science & technology including national diploma. For details visit and
Advanced tailor made training programs are offered for researchers, extension personnel, teachers, students and farmers periodically.
(For details contact species-specific Institutes through their website)
National and International Collaboration
Collaborative programme in some of the advanced and innovative areas such as biotechnology and molecular biology in animal science, are taken up with premier National and International organizations.
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