Agricultural Education Division
Agricultural Education Division


  • Strengthening and Development of Higher Agricultural Education in India.
  • Human Resources Development for leadership roles in agricultural sciences.
  • Improving Quality of Agricultural Education through innovative approaches in teaching, research, outreach activities.

Proforma / Circulars / Notifications of Agricultural Education Division

National Agricultural Education Accreditation Board


  • To plan, promote and coordinate agricultural education in the country.
  • To enhance the quality and relevance of higher agricultural education in the country.
  • To strengthen the Agricultural University system for developing quality human resource in agriculture and allied sciences.

The Agricultural Education Division, ICAR is involved in strengthening and streamlining of higher agricultural education system to enhance the quality of human resources in agri-supply chain to meet future challenges in agriculture sector in the country. This calls for regular planning, development, coordination and quality assurance in higher agricultural education in India. The division strives for maintaining and upgrading quality and relevance of higher agricultural education through partnership and efforts of the ICAR-Agricultural Universities (AUs) system comprising of State Agricultural Universities (62), Deemed to be universities (5), Central Agricultural University (2) and Central Universities (4) with Agriculture Faculty.

The division is headed by the Deputy Director General and three sections under the division, viz. Education Planning and Home Science (EP&HS), Human Resources Development (HRD) and Education Quality Assurance and Reforms (EQA&R) each headed by an Assistant Director General (ADG).

Three ICAR institutes viz, National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad; Central Institute for Women In Agriculture (CIWA), Bhubaneswar and National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NIAP), New Delhi are also under this division.

Agricultural Education Division through its three sections carries out a number of schemes to support and strengthen the Higher Agricultural Education in the country, which is enumerated here under.

Results-Framework Documents


rcag-ddg-edn-2019Dr. R.C. Agrawal , Deputy Director General (Education)
Division of Agricultural Education, Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan - II, New Delhi - 110 012 INDIA.
Phone: (Off.) 91-11-25841760; Fax: 91-11-25843932
E-mail: ddgedn[at]icar[dot]org[dot]in
